Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 3: Pretty uneventful!

Hello! I promise that today's blog will not bring anyone to tears. Like I said, some days may be filled with drama, and some days may be pretty boring!  Yesterday overall was a pretty good day for me. Boring, yes. I did have a couple surprises that really made me feel humbled, and excited!!!  I start my day off at 6:00am getting my blood sugar tested, and then they hook Lane up to the monitors for 20 minutes to watch his heart rate, and make sure he's looking good.  Every time they try and strap me with those belts for the monitor, Lane goes nuts!!! He kicks, and rolls, and punches...non stop! They always have trouble getting his heart rate because he wants nothing to do with them touching and pushing on my belly. It cracks me up every time. I think we have a REAL firecracker this time. I don't know how it can get any worse than Luke, but this one seems to be a pistol so far!! The nurses know him as the "active" baby!  Once they are done messing with me, I try and lay back down for a little bit, but not much longer because they bring me breakfast at 7:30am each day. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, so this is different for me to eat breakfast every single day. I always order scrambled eggs and toast, its starting to get old, but with the diet they have me on, nothing else sounds good! Then, an hour later the nurses come back in for another poke for my blood sugar. 
Yesterday, I started reading a book. Megan reads?????? No, I don't read. hahahahaha. But, I guess when there is nothing else to do but stare at my wall, reading sounds not so bad.  I started the book "heaven is for real".  I already have half of it done in pretty much 1 day. And that's only from reading only for a couple of hours.  Seems to be a really good book so far :)  I also had a surprise visit from my Aunt Sara and uncle Don.  My lunch had just been brought in, and then I heard and knock and it was them! It was a nice visit, and a great time catching up with them. Plus, it gave me a little break from doing nothing...
After they left, I pretty much just watched tv, and was on the Internet most of the time waiting for the clock to hit 3:30 because that's when Broc gets off of work. I always can expect a text from him, and that helps break up my day.  He was coming later for a visit to see me, so I was excited about seeing him again, even if it was for just an hour or 2.  Little did I know, once he started driving here, he had called me and told me he had a surprise for me.  And I said, well what??? (thinking it was some type of food, cause he knows that makes me happy lol) And he said "I'm going to stay the night with you tonight!!" WHAT????? YAY!!!!!!! I instantly started bawling!! What a relief to know that I do not have to say goodbye to him for just 1 night!  Once he got here, it was like we were 16 all over again. We both had huge cheesy smiles on our face when he walked in the room, and he put his bags down and gave me the biggest hug :)  We pretended to be on a date, he snuggled up in my hospital bed, I laid my head on his shoulder, he kissed my forehead. It was SO nice to have my husband here. I don't know what it is, but his presence brings me so much comfort.  (sorry for all the mushy mushy stuff.)  Then, I asked him to help me with my shower, it is quite the chore now a days to shower!! I have to sit on a chair, try not to bend down...I have to wrap both my IV's in bags and then tape them so they don't get wet. Its just a long process to shower. It was so much easier with him here to help me when I needed it, and get things around for me after I got out.  Its the little things that you miss the most when you're all alone. 
Not only did I have 1 surprise yesterday from my husband, but he also told me he had something for me that my best friend Jamie Welch had gotten around to.  I didn't have a clue what he was going to say, but he finally told me that people have sent money for gas cards, and gift cards to different food places.  As he was telling me, he started to cry, filled with gratefulness. I began to cry, and felt so humbled that people would do this for us.  In a slight way, I felt guilty, but I need to not feel guilty about people trying to help us, and instead feel blessed because that's exactly what we are. So, if you are on of those people who have sent money, or have given a gift card, THANK YOU.  Thank you is not enough, I am just so amazed by the support and love we feel from everyone.  Its so great, and we are truly blessed with great people around us who care about what we are going through.  So, thanks....we APPRECIATE it soooo much! 
That pretty much wraps up my day, thanks again for the prayers!!!! I'm doing really good these past 2 days as far as my health and bleeding, so the prayers are working. I am so thankful for every day I do not have another bleed, and for another day pregnant with my precious Lane.
God bless you all!!

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